TIP The Connector Line Tool is at the end of the Curve flyout. You use it to draw a line between two objects that dynamically changes when either or both of the objects are moved.
TIP – Creating Boiler Plate Objects You can create scripts that automatically execute whenever you start to draw…These are very handy for any housekeeping that you seek to do on a regular basis, like, say, automatically setting guidelines, creating some...
TIP Although this masking method is a tried and true way to fool the eye into thinking you are looking through text into a background, this same effect can be created by applying PowerClip to the background.
NOTE A PowerClip sounds like a heavy-duty hedge trimmer or the latest style in hair styling, but the name is just a fancy marketing term for the ability to paste an object inside of another object. In the CorelDRAW manual, your thumbnail portrait appears...
TIP “And you thought a marquee was just for displaying titles! In DRAWspeak, you create a marquee when you click and drag diagonally to outline a rectangular area. A marquee created with the Pick tool selects all objects which are completely inside the...
TIP With Artistic Text, you have three spacing controls: Character, Word, and Line. Character spacing is measured as a percentage of the space taken up by the space character in the font. By default, it is set to zero so that no extra space is added between...
TIP “And you thought a marquee was just for displaying titles! In DRAWspeak, you create a marquee when you click and drag diagonally to outline a rectangular area. A marquee created with the Pick tool selects all objects which are completely inside the...
TIP Go to Properties on the pop-up menu or Tools >Options>Toolbox>Zoom, Pan Tool. Zoom In allows you to define a marquee around the area you want to magnify.
TIP Click and drag the Interactive Extrude Tool to extrude the object as well as to establish the vanishing point and adjust the depth of the extrusion.
TIP “A screen capture program, CorelCAPTURE 8 offers options by which one can “create and modify 3D objects using links such as lock, slider and axis and deformation tools such as stretch, shatter, and twist.”
TIP The Search for Missing Paths. The Add Line Segment command has proven helpful in tracking down open paths. Finding these paths can sometimes be difficult, and so DRAW 6 supplied a detective in the Node Edit...