Misnamed and often miscast, you would come to lament: “My face has been my misfortune. It has attracted six unsuccessful marriage partners. It has attracted all the wrong people into my boudoir for five decades. My face is a mask I cannot remove: I must always live...
Enter Valerie Solanas, the Founding Mother of SCUM (the Society for Cutting Up Men).Solanas is portrayed as emerging from Antheil’s misogynism and Warhol’s mishandling of Hedy–an Avenging Exorcist and Rectifier In opposition to Corel, Solanas...
FUNCTION #6. RENAME: Pseudonymously Yours
Note Create a duplicate that adopts given properties of the original. In an encounter with MGM’s fabled Luis B. Mayer, you negotiated your first Hollywood contract. It is he who provided the young Hedwig Keisler Mandl with a new name: Hedy Lamarr, the surname coined...
Still Lifes
Although you patented the lively, dynamic science of frequency hopping, directors and the Hollywood Image Machine often conspired to keep you in your “place.” We protest. . . The “widespread lack of self-confidence brought about by the father system that...
FUNCTION #5. SCRIPT/UNDO: Director’s Cut
Note There are only so many undo levels. If you do not pre-configure more undo levels you will not be able to undo everything you want. “Here, silently fuming at what’s unfolding before him, a commanding figure sits in a dark projection room. The brooding...
Snake-charmers like Antheil, with his glandular science, and Dr. Robert Wilson found you easy prey as you desperately sought to maintain the youthful image that Hollywood demanded of its female stars. The latter viewed middle-aged women as “female...
FUNCTION #4. SELECT & SAY: Off the Record
Note Select-and-Say™–verbally edit, format or correct words and phrases… One night an English colonel was a guest at Mandl’s. He was openly critical of the Nazi movement. I sensed a fellow conspirator…. As soon as Mandl left, I moved to a chair near Colonel...
FUNCTION #2. CLONE: “Creating a Goddess”
Z Note Cloning objects can save you a lot of time on a project when you are working with duplicate objects. When an object is cloned, a duplicate is made of the selected object. The original object becomes the control object… Exactly Like You Diana Krall I...
Come Live with Me
Come Live with Me, the movie that most closely models your life, holds perhaps a final key for interpreting your life, or at least a final note to end on. You play a Viennese refugee, Johnnie, who will be deported to Europe unless she can find a husband in one week. ...
Eterna Femmina
Invited to a masked ball, you must decide which historical character to assume. The first candidate is Geneviève de Brabant, the chaste wife of Siegfried of Treves falsely accused of adultery by a scorned suitor. According to the tale, she escaped a sentence of death...
Ghost on the Keys
The functions of the Corel Kit provide an ironic commentary on your life and your career as an inventor and actress. Other kits, moreover, offer opportunities either to expose further the interruptive elements in your life or to begin a process of synthesis through...
FUNCTION #7. ROTATE & SKEW: Axis of Evil
Z Note Setting our preferences accordingly, we can click and drag the following scene into our personal workspace. “It was when I was making Come Live With Me. I went to the projection room alone to see some rushes. A bit actor who happened to be on the lot...
FUNCTION #1. ZOOM: Up Close and Too Personal
Note Go to Properties on the pop-up menu of Tools >Options>Toolbox>Zoom & Pan Tool. Zoom in allows you to define a marquee around the area you want to magnify. “The original script for Ecstasy was a five-page affair, with hardly any dialogue..” I...